torsdag den 13. april 2017

Rice Crispy Easter Eggs

Når nu vi ikke kunne rejse, og vi har været indendøre i mere end en uge, er vi ved at få cabin fever.
I dag har vi derfor prøvet at lave Rice Crispy Easter Eggs. (Opskrift og website herunder)


Special equipment: plastic Easter egg molds and a clean egg crate
In a large saucepan, melt the butter over low heat. Add the marshmallows and stir until melted. Remove from the heat, then add the rice cereal and stir until well coated.
Take small amounts of the mixture and fill both sides of a plastic egg, slightly over-filling one side. If the mixture is too sticky, you can spray your hands with a light cooking spray. Press a chocolate egg in the center on one side of the egg, then close the plastic egg to shape it. (It should be full enough to meet with a little resistance as you close it.) Gently release the rice cereal egg from the mold, decorate with your choice of sprinkles and set aside in an egg crate until set. Repeat with the remaining rice cereal mixture and chocolate eggs.
Recipe courtesy of Ree Drummond

Det så så nemt og hyggeligt ud på de sider, jeg fandt på nettet....det er det ikke, kan jeg fortælle. Altså det er rigtig hyggeligt, og vi fik grint en masse, men nemt er det ikke...i hvert fald ikke, hvis de skal ligne æg, og man ikke har lyst til at være smurt ind i smeltet smør og marshmallows.

I morgen prøver vi igen bare med Mars bars i stedet for.

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